Patrick-Murray calling for volunteers for annual DCR park clean-up

The Department of Conservation and Recreation’s (DCR) fifth annual Park Serve Day will be on Saturday, April 16, in state parks and beaches across the Commonwealth. Since 2007, thousands of volunteers have participated in dozens of projects each spring, including picking up litter along ocean beaches, clearing debris from hiking trails, painting benches, and planting trees and flowers at picnic areas.

To sign up for Park Serve Day, and to see a list of all the projects (including any age restrictions) and get directions to the park of your choice, visit

Last year, more than 4,000 volunteers worked in 69 parks across the state. By day’s end, those volunteers had planted 81,823 flowers, shrubs, and trees and collected more than 52tons of trash.

“For anyone who enjoys riding their bike, reading in a beach chair on the sand, or hiking in one of Massachusetts’ state parks, Park Serve Day is a chance to give back,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Richard K. Sullivan Jr. “We encourage park enthusiasts of all ages to help the staff at DCR make these parks sparkle in time for spring.”

Park Serve Day is intended to supplement DCR’s own work to improve conditions at park facilities for the coming season. The agency’s efforts include improving curb appeal of the parks with mowing, cleaning, and weed control, and posting public maintenance schedules for each park, beach, and parkway. The maintenance schedules include tasks such as mowing, weeding, picking up litter, cleaning the beaches and restrooms, and inspecting playgrounds.

The overwhelming response to Park Serve Day illustrates how greatly Massachusetts residents value their state parks and are willing to join in the shared stewardship of these important natural, cultural, and recreational resources.

“We all have a role to play in preserving and enhancing our forests and parks,” said DCR Commissioner Ed Lambert. “We welcome everyone to come out and play that role on April

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