Rotary Club of Milton to host Information Night

The Rotary Club of Milton is hosting an information night at the Milton Public Library. All are invited to learn about the Rotary, its mission, and activities. In an open letter to the community they note, “We dare to dream big and we do big things!”

Find out what the Rotary does and how you can become a part of their efforts. A light supper will be served at the Keys Community Room in the library on March 21st at 6:30pm.

You can find the Rotary Club of Milton web site here. Following is the text of their letter to the community:

Dear Friend,

What do jockey Calvin Borel, golfer Jack Nicklaus, anthropologist Jane Goodall, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, musician Itzhak Perlman and actor Jackie Chan have in common?  They all personally support Rotary’s efforts to effect positive change locally and internationally.

Bill Gates really respects the Rotary Club of Milton.  He is pledging $5,000 to match Milton Rotary’s contribution to Polio Plus, the Rotary International worldwide effort to eradicate polio once and for all, as part of his $200M Challenge.

If you are ready to accept President Obama’s challenge to “win the future”, Rotary is the place.  If you want to meet other local professionals, Rotary is the place.  If you are looking for an opportunity to make a difference in Milton, Rotary is the place.  If you want to be connected to the larger global community, Rotary is the place.  If you like the idea of being part of an organization with over 1.2 M members with over 33,000 clubs, Rotary is the place.

We dare to dream and we do big things!

In recent years, The Rotary Club of Milton has:

  • funded student music activities fees
  • provided four year scholarships to deserving high school students
  • organized 4th and 5th graders to paint the Milton Library tile wall
  • hosted teens from Brazil, Chile and France through Rotary Youth Exchange
  • sent teens to Argentina, Chile and Croatia through Rotary Youth Exchange
  • participated in the Rotary Group Study Exchange to Russia
  • initiated a book exchange with a club in Russian for their public library
  • installed a well for clean water in Sudan in conjunction with Curry college
  • sponsored free seasonal band concerts on our Town Green
  • hosted musical events for Milton senior citizens
  • joined other Rotary clubs to cruise Boston harbor
  • learned from the presentations of notable speakers
  • supported our troops in Iraq
  • lunched with high school football and cheerleading captains of Milton and Braintree
  • Enjoyed presentations by many municipal and state leaders.

Find out what else Rotary does and how you can become a part of our efforts by joining us for a light supper at the Keyes Room in Milton Library on Monday, March 21, 2011 at 6:30 pm.

Think Globally and Act Locally!

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