03.22.09 – The Week That Was: sorrow, tragedy, and loss

At this time last week we were attending the wake for Nicholas Burdett, son Dr. Noreen Diamond Burdett, Director of the Music Programs in the Milton Public Schools. Nicholas Burdett was 25 years old and had gone to Miami with his girlfriend to celebrate his birthday. He was shot and killed by an off duty police officer. The officer alleges that Mr. Burdett was attempting to rob him at knife point. It is very hard to understand.

Several hundred people attended the wake to demonstrate their love and support for the family. We are very sorry for Dr. Burdett, a woman who has given so much to so many, and her family.

The Planning Board held a meeting in which they heard Temple Shalom and Coffman Realty respond to the concerns voiced by citizens regarding the redevelopment of the Temple’s property. You can read the orginal post here. The Planning Board will be meeting this Tuesday to pick up the discussion of the issue. Regardless of how this ends, there will be a loss. In the minds of the neighbors they worry the character of their neighborhood will be lost if the proposal passes. If it fails to pass, the town will lose its only synagogue and a well regarded pre-school. As Mr. Mays, who spoke at an early “Citizens Speak” said, there will be change, “and no one is going to be happy.”

And then there was the tragic event that unfolded on Bevoir Street on Saturday. Kerby Revelus killed two of his sisters, Bianca, aged 5, and Samantha, aged 17.  He was attacking his third sister, Saraphina, when the police broke into the apartment and shot him. They saved Saraphina’s life.

Frankly, there are no words to capture the pain, the heartbreak, and the loss experienced by the family, their friends, and the town.

But Milton is a strong community. Tomorrow the Milton School Administration is hosting a forum to discuss the loss and how to cope with it. The discussion will be at Milton High School, tomorrow night (3/30) @ 7:00pm.

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