Parent411 to offer parenting workshops

Milton parents now have a new resource for support and advice. Parent411 is opening its doors just over the line in Quincy and will be offering workshops on a variety of topics, including discipline and limit setting, organizational skills, parenting through divorce, and “parenting” only children to name a few.

Founded by Faina Smith, Parent411 seeks to fill the void that exists in parent training and support groups. As economic realities continue to take their toll these sorts of programs that at one time were offered through a variety of channels are becoming harder an harder to find.

Ms. Smith grew up in Russia and received a Masters in Education prior to emigrating to the United States. She initially worked in child care, attended Wheelock College and received a a master’s in Family Studies and later a CAS from the Harvard University School of Education. All the while she was also conducting parent workshops in a a variety of venues and programs, one of which was Families First. It was at Families First that she met Candelaria Silva-Collins.

Ms. Silva-Collins graduated with a BS from Goddard College. When she became a parent she felt isolated and eventually found support at the Parent Child Center in Dorchester. It ended the isolation and was a positive experience that She also took some of her life direction from that experience. “I could give to others what had been given to me.” She has been designing and facilitating workshops for parents and the professionals that come into contact with them for 20 years.

When Smith determined she wanted to address the void in parent support services with her own set of workshops she invited Ms. Silva-Collins to join her. Together they share a passion for kids, family development, and a desire to help parents who are leading increasingly busy lives and often don’t have extended family support.

Though the workshops cover a range of topics (please see below), there is a consistent approach which is to be reponsive to the needs to parents as they come in and provide the advice and support they need to get through the day peacefully and with less stress.

Their combined 40+ years experience have resulted in some time honored bits of knowledge. Ms. Smith points out that is it always more productive to “become curious not furious.” Ms. Candeleria notes that you should “Enjoy the kid you have right now and be thoughtful about the kind of parent you want to be.” These gems likely stem equally from their experience as parents as from their deep knowledge and long track record of working with families.

Not surprisingly, both are avid readers. And what are they reading/recommending? Candeleria suggests Nurture Shock: New Thinking About Children. A longtime favorite of Faina’s is The Blessing of a Skinned Knee.

Following is a list of workshops being offered in February. You can find a complete list of programs from Parent411 here. Parent411 is co-located with InSync at 550 Adams Street. They also hold workshops in Jamaica Plain. You can get more information from their web site here.

February Workshops from Parent411

P411 Winter 2-11 InSync Flyer

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