Forbes House dismisses two employees

In an unforseen shake-up that portends a new change in direction for the Forbes House Museum, two long-standing employees, Christine Sullivan and Lauren Pauley, were relieved of their responsibilities yesterday.

Ms. Sullivan has had a long association with the Forbes House. She was the director of the house museum for ~ 10 years. Prior to becoming director she was a longstanding member of the board of directors. She was replaced as director last September by Robin Tagliaferri (see related post). Since that time Ms. Sullivan has been in charge of programs and events. Ms. Pauley has also been with the museum for close to 10 years managing communications, marketing, and public relations.

It is unclear what has prompted the sudden change. The Forbes House has not yet responded to an email seeking comment.

The Forbes House Museum is a prominent historic landmark with a notable collection of fine art and antiques. It also has a unique collection of Lincoln and Civil War memorabilia. The museum is currently conducting it’s annual Lincoln art and essay contest. You can learn more about that here.

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