He’s back! Joyce sworn in as state senate begins 187th term

The 187th term of the Massachusetts State Senate began last Wednesday with the traditional swearing-in ceremony held in the Senate Chamber. Senator Brian A. Joyce took the oath of office administered by Governor Deval L. Patrick. Joyce represents the Norfolk, Bristol and Plymouth district, which includes the Town of Milton.

Senator Brian Joyce being sworn in to 187th term

Joyce currently serves as the Chair of the Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight. He is also Vice-Chair of Housing, Acting Vice-Chair of Higher Education, a member of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means, and sits on the Financial Service, Public Safety and Homeland Security, Public Service, and Federal Stimulus Oversight committees. Joyce was recently appointed to the Probation Reform Working Group as well.

“As a new legislative session begins, I welcome your input regarding the many issues so important to the residents of Massachusetts and look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas for shaping our priorities,” said Senator Joyce. “Please be assured that I will continue to work to create jobs, streamline the delivery of core government services and use taxpayer dollars prudently as we continue to work to improve the Massachusetts economy.”

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