Art group only organization to make a pitch for East Milton Library space

Many businesses and organizations had been in touch with Planning Director Clark about the East Milton Library space including a graphic design firm and a proposal to rent desk space to business people; but in the end only FAVA, the Friends and Advocates for Visual Arts, responded to an RFP issued by the Board of Selectmen.

The Selectmen were eager to lease the space and recoup the annual operating and maintenance costs which were estimated to be ~$6,000, though they noted that was merely a ballpark figure. Concerns had been voiced about the nature of the business moving in due to the traffic and parking issues that already exist in East Milton. The FAVA workshops are unlikely to pose a problem in that regard as the KEDS after school program (the precursor to all day kindergarten).

FAVA is managed my local residents eager to promote and expand arts education particularly for elementary school children. They run a variety of arts activities and workshops. An upcoming workshop that involves creating art from recyclable materials will be run by Sarah Mills of Sustainable Milton (please find details here.) – Your Town Milton reports that Marion McEttrick, Chairman of Board of Selectmen, reacted to the proposal saying, ” it would be pretty nice. The building would be open to the public, and I support the availability of art in the town.” (View the full story here.)

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