8th Grade Girl Scout Troop to host H’ween Costume Dance

The Girl Scout Troop 74119 will be hosting a Halloween Costume Dance for 4th and 5h grades on October 29, 2010 to raise funds for a Girl Scout Journey to Europe.

The funds are for a Girl Scout Educational Journey through London, Paris and Lucerne, Switzerland. The girls will have an opportunity to visit 2 Pax lodges which are run by the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. They will meet Girl Scouts from other countries and participate in pinning ceremony and learn more about International Guiding and Scouting.

The 4th grade dance will take place from 5:30 pm – 7 pm and the 5th grade dance will take place from 7:30 pm – 9 pm, both at Cunningham Hall. Admission is $8 per person, but if you bring a gently used pair of jeans or pants to donate to Cradles to Crayons, your admission will be $5. Water and snacks will be available for sale. There will be a Best Costume contest, a DJ and Dancing. Glow sticks will light up the hall. No Masks but face paint is allowed. Because it is a Girl Scout event, a permission slip is required for entry. Permission slips can be signed by a parent or guardian at the door the night of the dance.

Girl Scout troop 74119 has been an active troop for 8 years and this is their first trip overseas with the troop. They will host 2 other dances to fund raise for this journey.

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