Thirty score 280! Take that MCAS!

Count ’em!

Not ten, not twenty, but thirty! That’s how many Pierce Middle School students scored a 280 on their MCAS exam. That’s a perfect score!

And to celebrate their achievement, a special meal, dubbed “The 280 Luncheon” was held in their honor. Students were recognized for scoring 280 on Math or English Language Arts. One student, Michaela Olson, received a 280 on both tests.

“You should be proud of yourself and your accomplishments,” Mary Gormley, superintendent of Milton Public Schools told the assembled students. “There is nothing you can’t do.”

The thirty students were among approximately 900 school-wide who took the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System last spring.

The administrative team of Superintendent Mary Gormley, Assistant Superintendent John Phelan, School Business Administrator Matthew Gillis, along with Pierce Principal James Jette and members of the Pierce faculty were on hand to congratulate the students during their special luncheon in the library.

“This is a very important achievement,” Gormley said. “We know that you can’t get to this level without giving it 100 percent and we appreciate all that you do.”

The Pierce 30 that scored 280!

photo courtesy of Moira Downes

Front row, from left, 6th graders: Colin Carroll, Sarah Lam, Juliana Viola, Chloe Debord, Mariah Conway, Katie Abbott, Julia Butler, John Stenson, Edwin Duprevil, Ethan Walko, Val Rafanan. Second row, from left, 7th graders: Leah Bombach, Alexis Belash, Mairead Dambrusch, Emma Heller, Isabel Belash, Michaela Olson, Simon Eder, Allegra Dennooyer and Liam Halloran. Third row, from left, Anna McReynolds, Louisa McCarthy, Lisa Veldran, John Phelan, Erica Benjamin and 7th graders Meaghan McDougall, Mary Corcoran and Sadie Marcus. 8th graders: Emma Pred-Sosa, Pierce Principal James Jette, Renee Chiu, Kate Stockbridge and Shane McLaughlin. Also, Mary Gormley, Matthew Gillis, Amy Gale, and Emily Ayre.

NOT PICTURED: Sixth-grader Adriana Estevez; and Eighth-grader Tansy Massey-Green.

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