The Forbes House Museum is recruiting new tour guides

from The Forbes House Museum

The Forbes House Museum has recetnly added new activities to its museum docent program in an effort to attract new tour guides.

The Dorothy Murray Docent Program, named after the grandmother of Captain Robert Bennet Forbes, prepares adults for a meaningful volunteer position as a museum tour guide. The program is presently accepting new candidates who wish to learn more about the Forbes House Museum, the American China Trade, President Abraham Lincoln, and the Forbes family history. An aspiring docent will learn about the museum and the collection through small group discussions in the museum galleries. Each docent will receive a guidebook from which she/he can prepare for tours. Docents will have the opportunity to expand their knowledge through informal instruction by museum staff and guest speakers. They are welcome to pursue individual research projects on topics of their choice. Group field trips to other museums and historic destinations are planned.

To obtain more information about The Dorothy Murray Docent Program, contact Robin Tagliaferri, Executive Director, at (617) 696- 1815 or by e-mail at

The Forbes House Museum is open for tours on Saturdays and Wednesdays at 1pm, 2pm and 3pm. Sunday tours, offered at 1pm, 2pm and 3pm, will be added to the tour schedule after Columbus Day, beginning October 17, 2010.

Admission to the FHM is $8 for adults and $5 for seniors and students; children under age 5 are free. Museum is located at 215 Adams Street, Milton, MA. The Museum grounds are open to the public free of charge daily from dawn to dusk. Visit our website at

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