Mtg notes: Planning Board 09.22.10 (2) – Brush Hill development also hits snag

The developers of the Hendries site were not the only ones to encounter obstacles during the most recent session

The developers are seeking to tear down the existing home and carriage house on the property and erect 4 new homes. It is a significant estate and the grounds are extensive. Evidently, it is also historic which introduces the most recent wrinkle into the plans to redevelop it. The Historic Commission would ideally like to have the buildings preserved. It was pointed out that there is a 9 month moratorium on developing property with structures seemed historic.

Mr. Whiteside, Chairman of the Planning Board, began the discussion by floating the possibility of rehabilitating the structures and adding additional homes as an avenue to explore. Neighors present at the meeting were open to this option. However, they read a statement that was critical of the developer’s plans to date. They “strongly” oppose th development as initially presented, felt the developers had no intention of working with the neighbors and wer protesting what they believed was not in keeping with the historic fabric of the town.

Mr. Sheffield, an attorney representing the developers  related some financials regarding various development options. One expert opinion he received was that the house was too distressed and that the more financially viable route was to build 5 lesser valued homes than one mansion.

Mr. Sheffield stated that the development team sought to continue the dialog with the abutters and work with the Planning Board. The board made a motion to take no action and continue a discussion of ideas at their meeting on 10/28.

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