Political bits: Candidates for Governor have another testy debate, Curry to host Lt Gov debate, Burr speaks

In the most recent debate among Gubernatorial candidates, Governor Patrick references life as a teenager of color in Milton during a discussion of the mosque in NY. Wicked Loal Milton has AP coverage of the debate which you can f ind it here.

You can listen to the Candidate’s Debate on WTTK here.

Also Curry Colege will be hosting the four candidates for Lieutenant Governor (Lt. Gov. Timothy Murray, state Sen. Richard Tisei, Paul Loscocco and Rick Purcell) in a debate to be held on Spetember 27th.

The face-off is being sponsored by the South Shore Chamber of Commerce, Curry College, The Patriot Ledger/WickedLocal.com and WCVB-Channel 5.

The forum will take place from 11 a.m. to noon and can also be watched live at Patriotledger.com and wickedlocal.com/politics. Tickets are available for Patriot Ledger readers, who may also submit questions. You can learn more here.

Bob Burr who will be challenging incumbent Brian Joyce for his state senate seat spke about his recent victory in the Republican primary.

from Wicked Local Canton

Canton Selectman Bob Burr took home the victory for the local state senate seat in the Republican primary, beating Milton’s Richard Livingston with 67 percent of the vote. (Read the full story here.)

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