East Milton Parking Study finally shifts into drive

It has been a long time coming but the long-planned for East Milton Parking study is finally in gear. The delay was largely due to authorization of funding from the state. With authorization in hand the study can now move forward.

At a hearing last night Howard, Stein, Hudson, the firm retained to perform the analysis and formulate recommendations for rectifying the traffic headaches in East Milton, reviewed their schedule, the scope of the project and listened to concerns from the Business and Citizens Advisory Committee (BCAC) and local residents.

Keri Pyke of Howard/Stein-Hudson presented and began by asking for feedback from the board regarding the data collection. Delays beget delays. At issue is the MWRA construction on Adams street and the impact it is having on traffic flow and parking turnover. Ms. Pike recommended delaying the parking analysis until Oct or Nov when the construction will take a recess so as to obtain more accurate data regarding overall parking habits. The board agreed and also acknowledged that school would be in session which would also help provide a more comprehensive picture.

The goals of the project include but are not limited to improving access to the square, reduce parking problems and improve efficiency and effectiveness of existing parking inventory, and support the “implementation of an integrated parking and access solution for the area.”

The advent of the MWRA construction coupled with the work being done by the Department of Transportation on the bridge over the Neponset has only served to aggravate a dire traffic situation. Listening to board members and residents tell it; Granite Avenue is often a parking lot, Governor’s Road is a highway, and drivers driven by frustration barrel the wrong way down one way streets. And as dangerous as all that sounds, one resident who lives on Governors Road, which is about a stone’s throw from the square, said she preferred to drive than walk because it was safer.

A number of ideas were brainstormed during the ensuing discussion that included moving the park, buying property for parking, and making Adams Street in front of the post office two ways. All ideas will be considered but Ms. Pyke noted that the first two could involve zoning changes and other permitting.

Present in the audience were Selectman Sweeney, and Planing Board members Emily Innes adn Pete Jackson.

The firm will be launching a web site (http://www.eastmiltonsquarestudy.com) in the near future as well as a Facebook page and Twitter account to inform the public of schedules, changes, progress, and development. They hope to have the web site available “by the end of the week.”

Related link:

DOT Construction on Neponset River Bridge

Map of East Milton Square

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