Senator Joyce: Here, there, and everywhere

Perhaps it is because we are entering what the Senator referred to in a conversation with Governor Patrick as the “silly season,” but our state senator Brian A. Joyce is everywhere. By “silly season” he is likely referring to the upcoming political campaigns. Both he and the Governor are up for re-election. Joyce will face off against the winner of the Republican primary, Bob Burr, Selectman from Canton, or local resident, Richard Livingston. The Governor is facing several challengers: Independent Tim Cahill, Republican candidate Charlie Baker, and Green Party candidate Jill Stein. A recent Rasmussen Reports poll indicates the Governor has 41% support, Baker has 34% and Cahill 16%. 9% are undecided. These numbers are down slightly for the Governor. (You can find the article here.)

Joyce has been in the news quite a bit of late. A number of legislative issues he has been involved with have either come to pass or been in the news. This past week the Governor signed safe driving legislation. The bill focused on cell phone use while driving. However, it also included provisions for the testing of elder drivers and notification from health professionals regarding concerns of drivers who may be at risk. This is an issue Joyce had been advocating in favor of for many years. The provisions for seniors were watered down significantly by the time the bill finally made it out of the legislature.  The Globe reports,  “I was disappointed, candidly,’’ said Joyce, who says he is attuned to concerns about the independence of seniors . . . “We’re not hesitant to address junior operators who don’t vote, but there continues to be extraordinary reluctance to deal with very real issues impacting senior drivers who in disproportionate numbers do vote.  .  .  I think we missed an opportunity to do more,’’ (You can find the article here.)

The Senator also announced that the recently announced budget includes support for the Trailside Museum with funding possibilities up to $425,000. Another issue in the news is the Canton-based Judge Rotenberg Center’s use of shock therapy, which was condemned by the United Nations as torture, according to a report on Nightline. You can view the Nightline Report here.  Joyce has been outspoken in his criticism of the Center. “Over the past dozen or more years there are documented instances of innocent children being subjected to the unconscionable practice of electric shock and other so-called aversive treatment which has resulted in severe personal injuries, hospitalization, or even death,” said Senator Joyce. “It is time that we stand up and protect the rights and dignity of our most vulnerable populations.”

Following is a brief clip of the senator’s conversations with Governor Patrick. You can see the full “The Brian A. Joyce Report” on MATV. View their programming schedule here.

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