Meeting notes: Selectmen 06.24.10 – tentative date for Special Town Meeting set; Mearn to file Ulin RFP

Last night the Board discussed several possible articles for inclusion in a warrant for a Special Town Meeting tentatively scheduled for September 20th.

Ichiro Sushi in East Milton is seeking a beer & wine permit. Many of their customers request sake with their meal and Ichiro Sushi would like to accommodate them. The alcohol content of bottled sake is about 15%. Wine is generally 9 – 16%. The Selectmen were inclined to assist the restaurant in beginning the process which is getting Town Meeting approval. The town would then need to submit a home rule petition to the state.

As previously reported, the Wind Energy Committee is working to certify the town as a “Green Community.” To qualify the town needs to meet 5 criteria. one is adoption of “stretch codes” regarding building construction and the other is designating a particular piece of property for “as of right” zoning. The stretch codes which have been adopted by a number of communities require that energy saving materials and techniques be used in construction. Selectman Sweeney while in favor of the concept wanted to learn more regarding the imposed increase in fees to the home owner. Bill Clark stated that the costs are typically recouped and are not significant as a general percentage of the overall construction costs. The building inspector will be discussing the topic at a future meeting.

The as of right zoning removes the need to obtain a special permit for construction of  green project such as the wind turbine. It does not alter any of the codes but is intended to expedite projects by reducing time required from approval to shovel ready status. The wind turbine location is the area under consideration for this.

Bill Clark, Planning Director, also presented a change to zoning which would restrict the height of “accessory structures within an existing set back area to 14 feet. At present there are lawsuits in the courts or pending which involve structures significantly higher than that . The language clarifies the existing zoning and would help ensure that if someone were building a new garage of storage shed that, in fact, that is what it would be homeowner are taking advantage of the current zoning to build structures like two-story buildings.

These three issues will likely be articles for town meeting. The restriction on building height and the as of right zoning will require a 2/3 vote of town meeting as they are changes to zoning. The implementation of stretch codes would only require a simple majority vote. Ishiro Sushi’s liquor request and most likely articles regarding the town budget will also be included in the warrant. The legislature passed a budget late Wednesday that would require more cuts in local aid. It also left out language that would have enabled municipalities more latitiude to reign in health care costs by removing requirement of a union vote. Milton is one of many communities that has been unsuccessful in receiving union by in on the GIC a state insurance program that could afford the town significant savings. Adoption of that program requires a positive vote from a majority of the municipal unions. You can find more coverage of the recently passed budget here.

In discussing these, Selectmen Shields raised the possibility of having town meeting address all zoning articles in the spring per a suggestion he had received. The specific issues regarding the Green Community status are time sensitive and so need to be brought before town meeting sooner than later; but the selectmen agreed that holding two town meetings a year and having a more structured approach made sense and they will be following up on that.

Kevin Mearn was authorized to submit a response to the DCR’s RFP for a 5 year permit for the Ulin Rink. Timilty called Shields to say that Senator Joyce’s amendment to give the rink to the town for $1 a year for up to 25 years did not make it into the budget. The town will pursue the RFP and wait on the outcome of the two competing legislative proposals regarding the rink; one from the House (Timilty) and one from the Senate (Joyce). There was also the Governor’s legislation but there was no clarity on how that related to the House and Senate efforts.

in other business the Selectmen:

  • The Milton yacht Club presented to the board. They discussed  the efforts they have made to improve the wharf area, their financial health and future projects. They are hopeful of working with Conservation Commission to clean up an area at 41 Wharf street to improve public access.
  • McEttrick spoke of need to have a clear position and RFP for firms interested in bidding on installation of wireless hotspots. Verizon was looking for permission for an installation.
  • There will be a 4th of July celebration at Kelly Field that will include face painting, races for kids and ice cream for all.

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