by Frank Schroth
Amazing people live in this town. One of them is Sean McCarthy. McCarthy gets up early three days a week and enters a boxing ring. That might not be everyone’s first choice for how to start the day, especially, if, like McCarthy, they were born with cerebral palsy. But McCarthy is a fighter.
Mr. McCarthy used to be an avid runner but gave that up as his mobility decreased. He opted for boxing which he has been doing for about 10 years now. He reports that his record in the ring is 8-0. We recently paid a visit to the Bay Shore Athletic Club early one Saturday morning to watch him spar.
McCarthy was working away on a treadmill doing cardio work when I arrived. We were chatting when a big guy in a stocking cap walked in carrying a gym bag and an attitude. Calling across to McCarthy he shouted, “You ready? I hope your dental records are in order.” “I’m ready,” was McCarthy’s response.
We made our way to the back of the facility where the ring sits in a cold, dark corner. McCarthy worked out with his trainer for a bit and then went three rounds with his sparring partner Pat Bradley. They set a timer at the beginning of each round. Both his trainer and his sparring partner expect McCarthy to work. And work he does.
McCarty is a south paw and proves a challenge to other fighters. It would be natural to wonder if boxing is a good idea for someone with cerebral palsy. McCarthy shrugs that off and the staff at the gym pay it no attention. According to his doctors, boxing is good for him as it keeps him moving.
And McCarthy says, “People with disabilities have to help themselves – no one is going to hold your hand and make you do it – you gotta get out there and force yourself to do it. If there is a physical limitation — at least try.”
His father nicknamed McCarthy “the Champ.” It fits.
Here are some more shots of Mr. McCarthy’s morning at the gym.
Yes,that’s me training for my next fight,but my main thing is train,train ,train,to become a champ,like me 8-0. You can do anything you want if you put your mind to it. Bring it on ,the champ is ready