Tag Archive for Town Farm

Teenagers discover the satisfaction of farming

from Wicked Local Milton

Shaking soil off a sunflower, Felicia Harewood, 18, seemed to be as much a cheerleader as a young farmer. “Shake, shake, shake. Shake that dirt off!,” sang Harewood of Milton, an intern with the City Harvest Youth Program at Powisset Farm in Dover. “Go Esther! Go Nia!” (Read the full story here.)

Kids, farms, and education

There is an initiative in Milton to look at the Stoughton land (aka Town Farm) as an educational center with a farm based curriculum. At an upcoming meeting of the Board of Selectmen, likely in August, Paul Krasinski is going to follow-up on this concept for land left by Governor Stoughton to the town for the of the poor.

School proposed for Milton town farm

from The Patriot Ledger

Teaching at a Providence high school during his college days, Paul Krasinski prodded struggling students into solving math problems by incorporating a study of NBA contracts into his lesson plans. (Read the full story here.)