88 search results for "oak"

Maltby Response Company RFP Response

Town Department: Planning Board

Topic: Hendries Development / 131 Eliot Street

Document: Maltby response to Planning Board RFP for assessing oak tree


You can view a PDF version of the document here.

Ackerson letter, 131 Eliot project

Town Department: Planning Board

Topic: HendriesDevelopment / 131 Eliot Street

Document: Ackerson lettter regarding oak tree


You can view a PDF version of the document here.

Resource Library

Welcome to the 02186.MyTownMatters Resource library, a collection of documents and materials regarding issues, developments, and trends taking place in town.

Neponset River Corridor web site – from the DCR and Mass DOT – provides documents, news, and resources regarding the development of a trail from John Paul Park to Blue Hills reservation.

Hendries development
  1. Ackerson letter regarding black oak on the Hendries site (View)
  2. Largesse assessment of the black oak on the Hendries site (View)
  3. Maltby & Company RFP response (View)

Mtg notes: Plan’g Brd 12.16.10 – Hendries continues at “snail like” pace; 36 Central Ave developer no-show

The status of the large black oak on the Hendries property remains to be determined. The board wants an independent report on the health of the tree. To that end an RFP for an arborist to inspect the tree is being drafted. The board expects responses to that on the 29th and will make their selection at their January 13th session. If the tree cannot be salvaged, the board will continue to review the current building design. If the tree is healthy, the developer will need to factor the tree into his plan.

Report spotlights wide disparities in what insurers pay hospitals

According to the Patriot Ledger, Milton Hospital had the fourth lowest reimbursement rate out of 66 paid by Blue Cross Blue Shield.

from Patriot  Ledger

Suburban hospital executives long have argued their facilities provide care that can match their Boston competitors at lower costs. Their boasts might have been dismissed as marketing spin before a two-year study released last month by Attorney General Martha Coakley’s office backed many of their arguments. (Read the full story here.)

State of the State speech

The Governor (and Milton resident) gave his state of the State speech last night. He received a warm reception. He congratulated Scott Brown on his election victory and acknowledged Martha Coakley.

In case you missed it, you can view the speech here (courtesy of NECN).

from NECN