
Fewer Mass. schools earn top state rating

Milton is among the schools discussed in an article in todays Boston Globe on the state’s rating of public school systems. The article states “Milton has gone from having all Level 1 schools two years ago to having just one this year.”

Photo for the day 09.29.14

Here is another nice shot of Milton’s most popular oasis, Turners Pond, on a very still day. This photo is by Phil Mathews. We welcome your photos. You can email them to

photo by Philip Mathews

photo by Philip Mathews

As shortage looms, Milton Cemetery will limit grave sales

from Wicked Local Milton

Milton Cemetery, which was created in 1672, will limit sales of burial plots to Milton residents only starting Dec. 1. A family member must die before relatives can buy a plot. If a planned new section isn’t prepared, the town’s historic resting place will run out of graves in two years or less. (Read the full story here.)

Boosters Support Can/Bottle Drive & Car Wash on October 4th

The Milton High School Boosters “Cans for Cats” can & bottle recycling drive will be held on Saturday, October 4th, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm at Milton High School. The girls volleyball team will be at the front entrance of the high school, 25 Gile Road, to collect your 5 cent cans and bottles to redeem them for cash.

Quincy RiverWalk Opens September 30 at Noon

from Neponset River Watershed Association

After twelve long years of sweat and tears by the Neponset River Watershed Association and local Quincy citizens, the Quincy RiverWalk will officially open and become a part of the Neponset River Reservation onTuesday, September 30. A Ribbon Cutting ceremony will be held at noon that day at the new Neponset Landing Park, 2 Hancock St., Quincy right next to the Neponset Avenue Bridge (see directions, below). Speakers will include Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch and MassDCR Commissioner Jack Murray. A tour of the 2 mile long Quincy RiverWalk will follow the ceremony. Everyone is invited. (Read the full story here. You can find related coverage from the Taunton Gazette here.)

Bottle Bill Proponents to hold Meeting at MPL

Tucker Smith, Town Captain for the “Yes on 2” Campaign (referring to the Bottle Bill referendum question to take place on the November 4 ballot).  will be hosting a a campaign kickoff and organizing meeting  – Wednesday, October 1, 7 p.m., Milton Public Library’s Keyes Conference Room (downstairs).  Bring your energy, ideas, and your neighbors.  All ages are welcome – kids, families, teens.