Town Meeting October 22

Updated 10.19.12 – 10:03am

Town Meeting will be held on Monday, October 22 @ 7:30 in the Charles Winchester Auditorium at Milton High School. The warrant arrived at home recently however it should be noted that it is not current with what will be discussed at Town Meeting due to discussions and developments that took place subsequent to the warrant going to press.

There are 6 articles altogether.

Three regard appropriations. They are: one for sewer system improvements, one for adjustment to sewer rate appropriation made at annual town meeting (That appropriation was made on an estimate. Actual numbers have come in and water and sewer appropriations will decrease by $17,577 and $54,381 respectively), and determining where to place $198,278 the House appropriated subsequent to the Annual Town Meeting.

Two regard zoning: one concerns an overlay that will permit an assisted living facility at the current Horseplay Stables site on Randolph Avenue the other will allow Coulter Landscaping, a commercial business on Route 138, to stay in its current location which is zoned residential. Note that the language and recommendation on both these articles will be stale come town meeting. The Warrant does not contain a recommendation regarding the assisted living article. Some language was amended and the Warrant Committee will likely have a recommendation for Town Meeting. Regarding the Coulter article, Chairman Whiteside and Ned Corcoran, the attorney representing Mr. Coulter, also discussed revisions to that article.

The final article pertains to the demolition of the town owned portion of the Hendries building on Eliot Street. This article too is incomplete as there was no estimate of the cost of demolition at the time the warrant went to press.

You can find the full text of the Warrant online here.

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